About us

    Your visions are our standard

    Our Philosophy

    The shipping industry has been living on great visions for many centuries. We contribute to realising today’s visions. Each of our customers has his individual requirements referring to maritime systems. We are aiming at developing tailor-made product solutions at competitive prices, which both satisfy your specific needs and correspond to our own quality and safety standards.

    Our services

    We are your competent partner in the field of valves and actuators, remote control, tank measurement and automation. As a member of the Göpfert AG, a renowned German valve manufacturer, we are able to supply complete system solutions consisting of valves, actuators and the corresponding measuring and automation techniques as a single package.

    Our service starts where you would not suspect it to be: We already offer assistance at the beginning of your planning stage in order to come up with product solutions which are matching your individual needs and requirements. Furthermore we do not only accompany our customers along the implementation but also after a project is finished. Our well-trained service personnel does not only conduct commission jobs but is also a reliable partner when it comes to maintenance and sourcing as well as installation of spare parts.

    Our quality

    Our system components such as actuators are manufactured in our own foundry and production site. That is how we can meet the high demands regarding quality, product life time and safety. Furthermore we are able to guarantee an optimal interaction between all system components. Valves, actuators and automation components do not only stand for high quality on their own, but they develop their interface strength due to custom-fit calibration in system operation.

    Our philosophy + our services + our quality = your added benefit!

    Göpfert AG

    Göpfert Maritime Systems

    D-25795 Weddingstedt

    Phone +49 (0)481 903 210
    Fax +49 (0)481 903 290



    Please visit the homepage of our parent company:

    Your specialist in valves and fittings for industry and shipbuilding


    Please visit the homepage of our product line:

    Your specialist for mechanical remote controls, chain wheels ....
